Saturday, March 21, 2009

Live Simply.. Why is it so hard?

I’m sorry if I’ve ever hurt you. Chances are, I have at some point. Be it big or small, I’ve caused you some harm. It is unintentional. I don’t mean to hurt people, because no one deserves it. It does not matter if you have done harm to others in the past, it does not justify any “pay back”. I try to be as nice and friendly as possible.

But, we all have our bad days and weaknesses. Sometimes they get to us, and cause us to forget about the ones we love. We forget about our peers and their emotions and interests. We become selfish. We don’t consider others, or if they are having a 'good day' or not. No one deserves that sort of neglect. We must become more aware of our surroundings. A simple “hello” or “how are you” could bright up someone’s day, or maybe even just a friendly hug.

The environment we live in could be so much more comfortable if people forgot about their narcissism and began to focus on others. “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” If only everyone could live by this motto. Could you imagine? It is sad to say that it is almost impossible to be selfless. Everyone becomes a self-centered monster at some point, be it for a short or long period of time. It happens, randomly. And it destroys the people in their path.

It hurts me to think that a goal like this is so hard to reach, when it should come so easily. Is it the generation and atmosphere we live in? Or is that just how human kind works? Why is it that we can be so evil, yet so loving? This bipolar setting is so confusing. I wish to be friendly at all times, and to not let my personal emotions damage anyone’s feelings. I wish to live simply, with no worries.

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